The 21st Annual
Ladies' Tractor Road Run July 6th 2025
2025 Itinerary
click here to donate to the 2025 Ladies' Tractor Road Run !
Started in 2004 as a one off event to raise funds for Breast Cancer Research, The LTRR has become an annual fixture with our current fundraising total standing at £1,227,000 for Cancer Research UK Breast Cancer fund.

This Ladies Only tractor run starts at the 100th Bomb Group Airfield in South Norfolk, across the Waveney Valley into North Suffolk. It then passes through the country town of Harleston to a public picnic lunch at Gawdy Hall before returning to Thorpe Abbotts.

How to get involved

To Enter for 2025

Watch this space - entries for the 2025 run should be available after Christmas

Download Entry Form


We are always grateful for assistance on the day with marshals required along the 20 mile route. If you would like to be considered please contact us.

Contact about Marshalling


All our fundraising is donated to Cancer Research UK Breast Cancer Fund, either by filling in your dedicated sponsor form (sent out with the Welcome Pack) or Fundraising Online.
All Online fundraising is set up through the Cancer Research Giving Page

2025 Donation page
Create your own Donation Page
Instructions for creating your own page

Online fundraising

Please DO NOT use Just Giving or Social Media fundraising accounts as funds may not be credited to the LTRR or be targeted to Breast Cancer.
You can however share your Cancer Research Giving Page across multiple Social Media Platforms

Boosting your Fundraising

1. Never be ashamed to ask

2. Share your online fundraising page across social media ad nauseam

3. Hold extra fundraising activities. Previous participants have held many successful events including Quiz nights, Cake Sales, Fashion Shows, Bingo Nights, Race Nights and Coffee Mornings.

The Story of the Ladies' Tractor Run
by Annie Chapman

The Beginning

The idea for the run came one November evening when John and I sat by the woodburner mardling over what I might do following my imminent retirement. The discussion revolved round various charity ambitions which, frankly, were out of the question considering my age! Riding across deserts or mountains, even with an organised charity trip were really a little too far fetched. The idea for a ladies' road run came from John following our ramblings over the achievable efforts for charity we had already undertaken.

Belonging, as we did then, to two tractor clubs, The Old Ram and the David Brown (Suffolk and Norfolk branch) we had already shared happy days with fellow members exploring unseen environs of these two counties from the double seat of KBJ.

"Why don't you organise a tractor road run just for ladies?" suggested John. Why don't I! The spark of the idea soon grew and I found myself thinking how can I do this, who would come, where would we go, start, lunch, etc. etc. and WHY?

Obviously it had to be a charity with ladies in mind. Recently a friend of ours had been diagnosed with breast cancer and this had taken everyone quite by surprise and the awareness of this disease and it's prevalence in this country were quite an eye opener. It seemed the obvious choice.